Design thinking- Transforming the Era

When we talk about how the world is changing and companies are adopting according to the fast pacing world. We talk about new innovation, innovations that are more human centric and that’s where design thinking concepts helps us to target and achieve what we imagine our future would look like. The integration of design thinking with the uprising business model, is helping businesses to solve problem of people in a innovative way.

During Covid-19 we weren’t able to visit movie theater so a major company that is based on design thinking came to our televisions and phones, when due to demonetization in India people faced issue with cash transactions there came the wonderful solution of UPI payments which gave us an ease to spend our money. The moment that happened India was pushed towards digitalization age for all, small vendor to large firms everyone adapted this way of life.

Transformation towards the digital era is a product of design thinking and the creativity of people who applied the usage of it in the real life scenario to solve the problem of the majority and give a better life.


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